USA - Strategic Planning:
Assisted founder/executive director of private non-profit youth training
and employment program on strategic planning and recruitment of senior
management team.
Moldova – High Value Agricultural Export Competitiveness Study: Managed multinational team responsible for planning for new four companies
intended to demonstrate the potential for profitable investment in small-scale export-oriented food processing ventures. Responsible for planning and overseeing market research studies, technical and engineering analyses, financial analysis, and preparation of business plans. Investments analyzed include frozen foods, fresh produce exporting, pickled foods, and dried fruits and vegetables.
Romania - Industrial Restructuring: As preparation of World Bank sector loan, analyzed four large state-owned agribusiness companies to determine turn-around potential. Recommended the liquidation of one company, developed restructuring plans for the other three. Business plans were adopted and financing was provided to implement those plans.
Turkey - Agricultural Export Competitiveness Enhancement: Assessed the export competitiveness of 45 Turkish small and medium agribusiness and food companies; developed management training and consulting programs for enhancing agribusiness sector export performance.
Poland - Agricultural Sector Assistance Program: Managed
€50 million EU Phare emergency program to provide
agricultural chemicals to small farm sector; including selection of
productions, international procurement and delivery, and in-country
distribution. Established and trained a network of twelve private
regional inputs distributors.
Jamaica - Jamaica Agricultural Development Foundation: Designed and established non-profit venture capital fund to support development of nontraditional agricultural export industries, based on monetization of USAID granted PL-480 commodities.
Moldova - Management Consultant Training and Development: Provided on-the-job training and mentoring for 90 Moldovan business consultants covering: marketing and sales strategy and sales planning; elements of strategic planning and business plan preparation; cost analysis of manufacturing enterprises; financial analysis and preparation of GAAP financial statements; and general consulting skills. Supervised consulting assignments for approximately 40 companies, including preparation of turnaround and restructuring plans, marketing and sales plans, restructuring of accounting systems, detailed cost of production analyses, and development of raw material procurement strategies for food processors. Conducted seminar series in marketing, issues in agribusiness management, and cost accounting.
USA - Environmental Threat Analysis: Developed computer model to predict potential impact of introduction of contaminated animals or meat products (beef, pork, chicken, turkey) in the US food system: from major US production regions, through processing industry to key consumer food markets.
Poland - SME Development: Designed and led three year effort to promote small enterprise development related in agribusiness, rural women's enterprises, rural tourism, and manufacturing through financing, training, business consulting, and marketing programs.
Bulgaria - Agricultural Sector Assistance Program: Provided technical assistance in development of initial EU/Phare program to support Bulgarian livestock sector.
Moldova - Foreign Investment Advisor: Developed analysis of barriers to foreign food industry and agribusiness investment in Moldova; developed recommendations for government action as part of inter-governmental negotiations.
Other: Participant in policy analyses, policy discussions and policy formulation on a variety of economic development issues; experienced with USAID, World Bank, IFC, EBRD, and the EU/Phare and Tacis programs; advisors on development issues to governments, international organizations and bilateral development assistance programs.