International Economic Development
Vaut & Associates has experience in the design and management of a wide variety of innovative economic development projects and institutions in the private commercial, non-governmental, non-profit, and official development assistance sectors. Vaut & Associates has a demonstrated track record of success in drawing on its extensive global agribusiness and food industry experience to help fashion innovative, financially sustainable approaches to addressing rural poverty, income generation, and economic development.
 Staff have served as advisors to governments, nongovernmental organizations, multilateral institutions, and bilateral development assistance programs in the analysis of development issues and the development of programs and strategies for sustainable economic development and to address related environmental concerns. Vaut and Associates has experience with organizations such as the US Agency for International Development
(USAID), World Bank, IFC, EBRD, and the EU/Phare and Tacis programs. Project experience ranges from small farmer agriculture and aquaculture and establishing financing programs for developing rural women's enterprises and supporting the development of small and medium sized businesses, to using monetization of donated commodities to finance nontraditional export development. Project experience also includes wildlife conservancy and environmental protection. Vaut & Associates have developed and carried out training programs for business managers, farmers, and technical and scientific personnel in a range of business, technical and finance topics.
 Vaut & Associates staff have participated in economic development projects in
the USA and over 50 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East, Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. |